• Yorse
  • Sport XL
  • Sport Renault
  • Sport Ford
  • Comfort XL
  • Comfort
  • Equon
  • RR1 Smart Line
  • RR3 Sportline
  • RR4 Perfomance Line
  • RR5 Exclusive Line
  • RR6 Top Class Line
  • RR7 Xtreme Line
  • Profiliner trailer
  • Living trailer
  • Horse trailer
  • Campers
  • Race & Rally
  • Servicetrucks
  • Yorse

    • functionality and simplicity combined
    • 1100 kg loading capacity
    • new model

Sales partners abroad

The following sales partners are operating in Europe selling horse trucks for Roelofsen and providing the typical Roelofsen service:

Roelofsen sales Germany:
Marc Nuessing is our German Roelofsen colleague who focuses on the German market, especially for 2-horse cars.
M m.nuessing@roelofsen.eu
T +49 16090582787

Germany & Austria Parados Partner:
Roland Bauer Spezialfahrzeuge GmbH
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str. 50
85591 Vaterstetten (München-Ost)
T (0049) 171 874 40 39
M info@rolandbauer.eu
W horsetransporters.eu

Germany Parados Partners:
BB Anhanger
Henrik Niehe
Standort Großderschau
Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 8
16845 Großderschau
T 033875 909588
W www.2pferdetransporter.de

België Roelofsen Parados Partner:
ATC van Damme
Bedrijvenlaan 2
9080 Lochristi
T (0032) 49 749 47 64
M vanessa@atcvandamme.be
W atcvandamme.be

Scandinavian Roelofsen Partner:
Global Trucks AS / Global Trucks Norway
Kristen Klekken
T (0047) 915 953 44
W globaltrucks.no


Global Trucks AS /Norway
Kristen Klekken
T (0047) 915 953 44

Global Trucks Sweden:
Albert Wiström
T +46708 95 72 53

Global Trucks Denmark:
Tom Gulaker
T +45 31581414


France Roelofsen Partner:
Roelofsen France
Olivier Deparis
ZA du grand Lussan, D6, Audabiac
30580 Lussan
T (0033) 674 760 201
W  www.roelofsen-france.fr

Switzerland Parados Dealer:
Etter-event AG
Reiterweg 1
3225 Müntschemier
T (0041) 794 480 684
M marc@etterevents.ch
W etterevents.ch